Thursday, October 27, 2011

SoapBox Template

This is my template i took pictures of the popular xbox 360 game halo 3 and put the on the soap box. Then i took the slogan, finish the fight and added against grease.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Magazine Cover.

I took a blank template of time magazine and took out the white interior, then replaces it with a picture.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Colorize by Erasing Color

i duplicated the layer the turned it black and white and then erased two flowers so the have color


I took parts form the three pics and mad a new person.

photoshop how to project

 STEP ONE- take the first picture and erace the entire sky.
   STEP TWO- open the second picture and paste it on the first picture.
STEP THREE- put the planet picture one the layer behind the first one.
 STEP FOUR- free transform the planet so it fits on the fist picture correctly
STEP FIVE- darken the picture
 STEP SIX- save the picture as a JPEG.

photoshop restore

I took the clone stamp tool and fixed the rips and croped the frame of the picture off so it looks moer even.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

3d photoshop

I took two pictures and put them together. i also made it an anaglyph.

Friday, October 7, 2011